International Students

国际学生是指美国以外的国家的公民 持有F-1留学签证,打算回国 upon completion of their educational program. The following are required If you would like to obtain an F-1 visa to study in the U.S.:

  • Acceptance to a SEVP approved institution
  • English proficiency
  • 在整个学习过程中有足够的资金自给自足
  • 保持在国外的住所,并且不打算放弃

Admission Checklists


Initial: F-1 Admission Checklist
Transfer: F-1 Admission Checklist
Change of Status: F-1 Admission Checklist
Concurrent: F-1 Admission Checklist

Academic Year

国际学生在春季和秋季学期入学. The ACC academic year is composed of Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters. F-1 秋季学期入学的学生不需要参加暑期班. F-1 students who begin classes 在春季和夏季,必须在第一年的夏季注册全日制课程 of studies in the U.S.

Fall semester: August-December           Checklist Process deadline: 6月1日
Spring semester: January-May              Checklist Process deadline: October 1

初始I-20,在6月1日前提交所有所需文件和完整的清单 for Fall and

初始I-20,在10月1日之前提交所有必需的文件和完整的清单 for Spring.

International FAQ

答:国际学生负责在ACC学习的费用和所有生活费用 expenses. F1签证持有者无法获得联邦财政援助,但你可能可以 第一学期结束后可以申请机构奖学金. You should 向你的祖国查询一下,看看他们是否提供任何经济援助.

A:学费是根据你每学期修的学时计算的. Please review the non-resident column on the ACC 学费 and 费用 图表. 估计每年的教育和生活费用为20,000美元.

答:ACC不提供英语作为第二语言(ESL)资源 students. 然而,网上也有很多选择,包括罗塞塔石碑, Memrise or Babble. Students are responsible for the cost of these programs.

A:担保人可以是任何愿意为学生承担经济责任的人. 保荐人必须证明所要求的财务承诺并签署 required sponsor forms.

答:在与国际顾问会面之前,学生必须完成申请 德州入学申请,缴纳国际申请费,提交护照 证明文件和托福/雅思成绩或正式的大学成绩单是从 another US institution. 请参阅相应的入院检查表 有关入学步骤的更多信息,请参阅本页顶部.

A: Learn more about the many degree and certificate programs offered at ACC. F1 students must be degree seeking.

答:ACC护理项目需要单独申请,收到200到300份 applications per year. Applications are accepted twice a year. To learn more about 先决条件课程和申请流程去 ACC Nursing webpage.

答:TSI可以在您完成ACC后通过Examity在线完成 application and been accepted to ACC. It is recommended to complete testing 2 months prior to U.S. arrival date. To learn more about the TSI click here.

答:需要F1签证的学生必须支付国际申请费. F1 Application Fee.

答:如果学生没有注册课程,ACC申请将在一年后到期. 如果你的申请到期,你需要重新申请并偿还国际学费 Application Fee.

答:学生可以要求申请他们在本国获得的大学学分 通过经批准的机构评估他们的成绩单来获得行政协调会学位. 为 获批准院校的名单,请参阅有关的录取核对表 at the top of this page.

答:《威尼斯正版官方网站》(FERPA)是一部联邦法律 the privacy of student education records. ACC is not allowed to share a student’s information with anyone other than the student.

答:学生可以通过复习获得有关入学过程的一般信息 适当的入学检查表在本页的顶部. Due to FERPA regulations, 一旦学生被ACC录取,所有的沟通都必须在学生之间进行 and ACC representatives.

A: No, deadlines cannot be extended. The deadlines for Fall application is 6月1日 and the deadline for Spring is October 1.

答:ApplyTexas是一个由德克萨斯州管理的网站. It is the only way to apply to ACC. 要查看ACC的入学步骤,请参阅 appropriate Admission Checklists at the top of this page.

答:i -20是在所有必要的文件都准备好后签发的 submitted. This process often takes a few weeks to complete. To view the steps for ACC的录取,请参考顶部相应的录取清单 of this page.



从其他学院转学的F-1学生必须完成一份 Transfer 为m as part of the admission process. 

Fall semester: August-December           Transfer Process deadline: 7月1日
Spring semester: January-May              Transfer Process deadline: November 1

递交I-20表格,在7月1日前提交所有必需的文件和完整的清单 for Fall and

递交I-20表格,在11月1日前提交所有必需的文件和完整的清单 for Spring.

Application for Admission


  • Submit documents by email to
  • 所有文件必须作为附件在同一封电子邮件中发送.
  • Documents must be scanned; no photographs. Must be pdf or Word documents.
  • Include first and last name in every email.
  • 在完成所有核对表项目后,申请才会被审核.
  • Allow 7-10 days for F-1 admission decisions. You will be notified by email if you have been accepted or if items are missing/incomplete.


F-1学生在第一学年不得在校外工作,但可以接受 在一定的条件和限制下,在校工作不超过20小时. Speak with your international advisor for more information.

第一学年结束后,F-1学生可以参加以下类型的校外活动 employment:

Additional Resources